Crime Fiction Lover

Classics in September 2017 – a recap

The month of September has come to a close, and with it our annual celebration of classic crime fiction of all flavours. We’ve looked at the Golden Age, Sherlock Holmes, cosy, noir, neo-noir, thrillers… you name it. We’ve covered range of crime novels, authors of yore and contemporary ones who have been inspired by the classics. These writers continue to make classic-style crime fiction relevant in the modern day.

Our sponsor

Firstly, we have to express our appreciation to Bloomsbury Reader, the company that sponsored Classics in September 2017. By supporting us, Bloomsbury has made possible the range of content we brought you. The company also gave away 20 copies of crime fiction classics including Frequent Hearses by Edmund Crispin and The Wrong Side of the Sky by Gavin Lyall as Classic Draw prizes each Thursday on our Facebook page. Let’s hear it for Bloomsbury Reader, and do check out these articles:

Bloomsbury Reader brings you classic crime fiction – 10 books to try
Is classic crime nostalgia, or a reflection of the age – by Laurel Sills, editor at Bloomsbury Reader

Crime classics revisited & rediscovered

There’s nothing like discovering a gem from the past that might have evaded your attention, or going back to one of the standard setters of 50, 60, 70 or more years ago…

The Big Sleep revisited
The classics of Tartan noir
Cutter and Bone revisited
Rim of the Pit revisited
We Have Always Lived in the Castle
Rediscovering the crime novels of Edmund Bagley
Tomato Red revisited
Rediscovering Margaret Millar – including five recommended reads

Fantastic authors

We invited four top writers to appear on the site in September introducing their favourite classic crime novels, and we interviewed three more who are all working in styles inspired by earlier greats.

Nicola Upson interviewed – behind the scenes on her Josephine Tey crime series
Ann Cleeves reveals her favourite crime classics
My classics by New Jersey writer Joe Hefferon
Cavan Scott talks about his new Sherlock Holmes novel
Grantchester creator James Runcie interviewed
Attica Locke on her favourite classic crime novels
Graeme Macrae Burnett reveals his favourite crime classics

Reviews and features

Articles and reviews rounded off our month of crime fiction classics…

My five favourite classic crime films by Warren Adler
Why Maisie Dobbs is already a classic
Murder on the Orient Express is coming to the big screen, again
The Mitford Murders reviewed – Golden Age style crime fiction by Jessica Fellowes
Frequent Hearses by Edmund Crispin
The Glimpses of the Moon by Edmund Crispin

For more classics, have a look at our 20162015 and 2014 Classics in September events. We hope you enjoyed the month – let us know what your favourite articles were, and what you’d like to see more of on Crime Fiction Lover.

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