
The Great Silence by Doug Johnstone

Ah, Edinburgh, a classically beautiful city which combines a love of the arts with some fine architecture. It’s also home to the Skelfs, possibly crime fiction’s only funeral directors-cum-private detectives. And also, it seems, Edinburgh is harbouring a wild beast… Welcome to Doug Johnstone’s decidedly…
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A Dark Matter

Written by Doug Johnstone — There’s death lurking in pretty much every crime novel, but it is the heart and soul of this quirky new book by Doug Johnstone. You see, A Dark Matter features the Skelf family, who have latterly turned their hands to…
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In a House of Lies

Written by Ian Rankin — We’re at book 22 in the Rebus series, so surely things will be feeling a little tired now? Rebus himself is retired, off the cigarettes and puffing on an inhaler. His visits to the Oxford Bar are few and far…
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The Way of All Flesh

Written by Ambrose Parry — Will Raven is a lowly medical clerk living in Edinburgh’s poor Old Town but if he can just get through the rest of the day he will have significantly better prospects. The year is 1847, and Will is due to…
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Fault Lines

Written by Doug Johnstone — Hit and Run, The Dead Beat and The Jump are three of Doug Johnstone’s previous novels that we’ve reviewed here on Crime Fiction Lover, but the Scottish author has several more to his name. He also has a reputation for…
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The Gathering Dark

Written by James Oswald — Ever since James Oswald published his first Tony McLean novel in 2013 he has been admired for his skill in capturing loyal readers with his police procedurals that have a sprinkle of the supernatural. Less adept writers would alienate those who…
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