
Forger's Revenge

Written by Leah Devlin — Ella Winston is just out of prison, banged up for something she did… and also for something she didn’t do. The former art forger is on the straight and narrow now, but she’s also on the hunt for evidence that’ll…
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Interview: MB Vincent

Jess Castle and the Eyeballs of Death is a comedy crime caper set in the West Country’s goriest market town where crucifixions are executed near the pretty town square with its tea shops. However, even MB Vincent, the new crime author behind the book, has…
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Past & Present by Judy Penz Sheluk

A young woman launching a business to help other people find missing family members ends up reconnecting to her own. This is the second in Judy Penz Sheluk’s Marketville Mystery series, set in a small town outside Toronto, and the series establishes a cosy, warm-hearted…
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Crime fiction improv hits Melbourne

If you’re in Melbourne, Australia in mid-September, it’d be a crime not to catch up with the city’s Fringe Festival, which this year includes Murder Village, an improve entertainment act who will be creating original whodunits throughout a week-long engagement. This comedic murder mystery will…
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It Begins in Betrayal

Written by Iona Whishaw — If you’re after historical crime with a strong backbone but also an air of genteel cosiness about it, then the Lane Winslow series by Iona Whishaw is just right for you. This is a series set in post-war British Columbia, Canada,…
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Minced, Marinated and Murdered

Written by Vanessa Barrot and Noël Balen, translated by Anne Trager — France and fine cuisine go hand in hand, and who better to introduce us to its delights than Noël Balen, co-author of the Winemaker Detective series? You can read how Noël and his wife…
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