
Killing Jericho by William Hussey

William Hussey’s Killing Jericho is the thrilling introduction to a detective cut from an entirely new mould. Scott Jericho is an openly gay traveller, grew up on the fairground circuit, went to Oxford to read English literature, then worked as muscle for hire in London’s…
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No Way Out

Written by Cara Hunter — Some police procedurals place the reader on the periphery, leaving us hanging about outside the flapping crime scene tape, not really knowing what’s going on. Not so with Cara Hunter‘s DI Fawley series – here, you’re slap-bang in the heart…
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In the Dark

Written by Cara Hunter — Earlier this year we met Cara Hunter, and her creation DI Adam Fawley, in Close to Home. Now Fawley and his team are back with another confounding case set in Oxford. The tale begins in dramatic style in a scene…
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Close to Home

Written by Cara Hunter — Eight-year-old Daisy Mason is missing, spirited away from a family barbecue by person or persons unknown. Who could have taken her and is she dead or alive? Simple enough questions, but don’t expect any straightforward answers in Cara Hunter’s sneakily…
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Hold My Hand

Written by MJ Ford — You have to hand it to book publicists. When a book arrives in a box, with a great big lollipop, and a secret trigger that begins to play March of the Clowns when you pull out the new release, then…
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Written by George Mann — Wychwood is the first in a new series of mysteries by an author who in the past has created a number of alternative realities – Sherlock Holmes in a steampunk universe, Queen Victoria kept unnaturally alive well into the 20th century,…
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Interview: George Mann

With superhero avengers fighting their way around Manhattan, the steampunk-inspired Newbury & Hobbes series, and a set of Sherlock Holmes short story anthologies all under his belt, George Mann is one of the UK’s most inventive young authors. Like a crime fiction alchemist, he blends…
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