
Shh by Jocelyn Dexter

Books with a deaf protagonist are pretty unusual. Two recent ones include Dark Pines by Will Dean and The Silent House by Nell Pattison. Now we’ve got Shh by Jocelyn Dexter – a police procedural and psychological thriller rolled into one neat package. And it’s…
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Book Club

The Recovery of Rose Gold

This intriguing and unusual debut by Stephanie Wrobel takes the mother/daughter relationship to a whole new level. Rose Gold was in her late teens before she saw her mother’s overweening protectiveness for what it really was – a case of Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Five…
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Summer of Reckoning

Written by Marion Brunet, translated by Katherine Gregor — Some teenage summers are just too awkward and painful to revisit. In this psychological thriller, which won the Grand Prix de Littérature Policière, French crime fiction author Marion Brunet expertly describes a summer of that exact…
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The evil lurking

On the Radar — Here we are with our weekly round-up of new crime releases, and it’s safe to say that there’s evil lurking – in its own unique way – in each one of them. In Michael Farris Smith’s book, it’s creepy like a…
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Classic novels inspiring perfect murders

On the Radar — With a murderer who’s basing his crimes on those found in some of the classics of our favourite genre, how could we not lead off with Peter Swanson’s latest novel – Rules for Perfect Murders? The author always brings interesting concepts…
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