
Interview: Charlotte Printz

Guten tag, crime fiction lovers – we’ve got a new writer we think you’d be interested to meet. Charlotte Printz is a German cosy crime author whose debut novel, Nightingale & Co, arrives this month in English for the first time from Corylus Books. Set…
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Three Pines on Amazon Prime

Fans of Canadian crime fiction author Louise Penny are already familiar with Inspector Armand Gamache of the Sûreté du Québec. Now viewers can catch up with him and his team in an eight-episode series on Amazon Prime. Gamache has been described as the French Canadian…
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On the Radar: Ready for blast off

What a week for the crime fiction genre. You could say it’s out of this world. For a start, the astronaut Chris Hadfield is launching his crime fiction debut and it sounds pretty intriguing. It’s a ‘what if…’ conspiracy story set around the abandoned Apollo…
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