
29 Seconds

Written by TM Logan — Paying it forward is all the rage these days, whether it’s giving an unexpected gift to a neighbour, coughing up for a stranger’s cup of coffee or simply offering your seat to someone on the bus. Sounds like a nice,…
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The Gathering Dark

Written by James Oswald — Ever since James Oswald published his first Tony McLean novel in 2013 he has been admired for his skill in capturing loyal readers with his police procedurals that have a sprinkle of the supernatural. Less adept writers would alienate those who…
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Anatomy of a Scandal

Written by Sarah Vaughan — Sexual abuse is a topic which fills miles of column inches these days. The #MeToo movement has made headlines too, putting the plight of the victims in the spotlight. The arrival of Anatomy of a Scandal seems somehow prescient… James…
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Nine Lessons

Written by Nicola Upson — You get two real life classic fiction writers for the price of one in this seventh book in a series featuring Golden Age crime writer and playwright Josephine Tey as the main character. And although he died the year before 1937…
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Race to the Kill

Written by Helen Cadbury — The publication of this third, page-turning novel in the Sean Denton series is bittersweet, coming three months after the death of York-based author Helen Cadbury, aged 52, and five years into her career writing crime fiction. Earlier this year the author…
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Book Club

A short film about Serial Killing

This novel is based on the terrible case of Rose and Fred West, who carried out a series of atrocities in and around their Gloucester home, stretching over two decades. Eddie and Ruth Webb are the fictional counterparts. Eddie – like Fred – is already…
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