Book Club

The Blues Don't Care

Take a trip back in time, to Los Angeles in the middle of World War II, for Paul D Marks‘ evocative and hugely engaging noirish novel. Meet Bobby Saxon, a wannabe jazz player who has set his sights on a spot behind the piano in…
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Back to the Garden

Written by EI Weiner — These days, there’s a bit of a fashion for crime books with song lyrics in their titles and here’s one to add to the list, taking its inspiration from Joni Mitchell’s 1960s classic Woodstock. In this case the choice of…
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Jack Reacher immortalised in song

What do you get for the crime fiction lover who has everything? How about Just the Clothes on My Back by the American roots rock band Naked Blue? It’s an album full of tracks about Lee Child’s wide-roaming ex-forces crime buster Jack Reacher, and has…
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The Martian Girl

Written by Andrew Martin — What a great title for a crime novel, and with the cover swirling together current and historical London landmarks and a locket holding a photograph of a blindfolded young woman in the middle, perhaps you’re getting a good idea where this…
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