
Interview: Lisa Gabriele

Lisa Gabriele’s new novel The Winters is a skilful update of Daphne DuMaurier’s classic psychological thriller, Rebecca. Clearly, the issues that confronted DuMaurier’s unnamed heroine continue to resonate today, some 80 years later. The book was an instant bestseller in Lisa’s home country, Canada, and…
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Five women to watch in 2019

As the year draws to an end, one of our traditions here at Crime Fiction Lover is to make predictions about which women authors will be the rising stars in the months to come. This is not a comprehensive list, but it’s an opportunity to…
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Vanish in an Instant

Written by Margaret Millar — Here at Crime Fiction Lover we have openly declared our love and admiration for Margaret Millar’s versatility and deft hand with suspense. Her novels are always finely-tuned and guaranteed to have you on edge. Sadly, most of her work has been…
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Book Club

Bellevue Square

Doppelgänger themes aren’t all that common in crime fiction, but Canadian author Michael Redhill uses one to beautiful effect in his award-winning novel Bellevue Square. Bookseller Jean Mason becomes convinced that her double has been frequenting the Kensington Market area of Toronto and sets out…
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Interview: Christopher Huang

If you subscribe to The Rap Sheet, our weekly email newsletter, you’ll have received the first chapter of Christopher Huang’s debut novel, A Gentleman’s Murder, a few weeks ago. What a great taster to the book it was. The Montreal-based author is with an innovative…
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Bellevue Square

Written by Michael Redhill — As you eagerly turn the pages of this fascinating brainteaser of a novel by Michael Redhill you may find yourself suspecting that the first person narrator is not just allowing herself to slip into delusion and mental illness… she’s already…
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The Language of Secrets

Written by Ausma Zehanat Khan — Now out in paperback is Ausma Zehanat Khan’s second Toronto-based thriller featuring Esa Khattak,  head of the Community Policing Section, and his sergeant and chief sounding-board, Rachel Getty. Winter is coming on, but the atmosphere is hot. The Integrated…
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A Noise Downstairs

Written by Linwood Barclay — This could be called The Case of the Haunted Typewriter, because an old-fashioned typewriter is one of the eeriest images in Linwood Barclay’s new psychological thriller. Paul Davis is a professor at a small Connecticut college living with his second…
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