
Girl: Inside by S Williams

The sequel to Girl: Broken, Girl: Inside continues the story of Daisy, a young woman who grew up in and was abused by a cult but managed to escape. Author S Williams aims to explore how people can be affected and destabilised by the extreme…
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Love & Bullets by Nick Kolakowski

Good gonzo noir is a perpetual car crash; one bone-crunching, metal-shredding impact after another and Nick Kolakowski’s pulp fiction upholds that tradition. Meet Bill and Fiona. Don’t let their ordinary names fool you, they are the harbingers of chaos. Where they tread, and they tread…
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On the Radar: Crime through the ages

December gets underway with some gripping mysteries and brutal crimes for detectives to solve both in the present day, and back in the past. We lead off our new books report with author Luke McCallin filling in some of the back story behind his popular…
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