
Knock Knock by Anders Roslund

Journalist Anders Roslund teamed up with ex-criminal prison campaigner Börge Hellström to bring us the first Swedish detective Ewert Grens novel in 2004. Odjuret, translated as both The Beast and Pen 33, broke new ground with its realistic portrait of violence and its scathing indictment…
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Interview: Sólveig Pálsdóttir

Earlier in 2021, we reviewed Silenced, the second crime novel to appear in English from Icelandic crime author Sólveig Pálsdóttir. Following on from The Fox, also reviewed on our site, Silenced sees Reykjavik detective Gudgier Fransson investigating the death of a woman in prison. Both…
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Geiger by Gustaf Skordeman

Translated by Ian Giles — It is summer in one of Stockholm’s most exclusive suburban neighbourhoods, and an idyllic family gathering is coming to an end. Three generations of the Broman family have spent a lovely day together at the patriarchal home. In his heyday,…
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Wisting - Norway's biggest crime drama yet

One of the attractions of Nordic noir is the allusion to beauty and innocence that the pristine snowscapes conjure just before the tragic human drama bites. The contrast plays on the mind as the extreme cold, sense of isolation and dislocation and the evil people…
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Silenced by Solveig Palsdottir

Translated by Quentin Bates — Corylus Books was set up a year or two ago with the aim of publishing crime novels that might not normally make it into English translation, and Silenced by Solveig Palsdottir is the company’s third release, following Solveig’s earlier novel…
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