
On the Radar: The stress of playing away

The Expats, The Accident, The Travelers, The Paris Diversion – Chris Pavone is a writer we’ve enjoyed for many years here on Crime Fiction Lover and if there’s one theme running through his work it’s that he loves to take his characters away from home…
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True Crime Story by Joseph Knox

True Crime Story is Joseph Knox’s fourth novel. It’s his first standalone after three instalments of his urban noir series featuring Detective Constable Aidan Watts of Greater Manchester Police. The ‘true’ in the title and the ‘novel’ in the subtitle immediately establish a tension between…
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Interview: Peter Swanson

Former bookseller Peter Swanson is a crime writer who is mighty hard to tie down. He’s a master of the standalone – and the only thing that his seven novels so far have in common is that they all manage to confound and wrong-foot the…
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