
James Ellroy's This Storm, and more...

On the Radar — Brace yourself, crime-writing and linguistic hurricane James Ellroy is back with a wartime thriller featuring the cop you love to hate, Dudley Smith. But if you don’t fancy LA as your next destination we’ve got plenty more including Amsterdam, and a…
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Written by Denise Mina — In her deftly plotted new crime thriller, Denise Mina effectively uses one of my favourite devices – the story-within-a-story – to draw you in. First-person narrator Anna McDonald lives in Glasgow with her older husband Hamish and two young daughters….
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Fallen Angel

Written by Chris Brookmyre — In an interview with the Independent Chris Brookmyre said, “The most dangerous lies are the ones we tell ourselves.”  Lies and secrets, in particular family secrets, form the core of his latest novel, Fallen Angel, which tells the story of…
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The Banker's Wife

Written by Cristina Alger — The words ‘financial’ and ‘thriller’ are usually enough to send me running for the hills, and they’re there for all to see in the praise lavished upon this book. But something appealed, and I’m glad I trusted my instincts to…
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Village of the Lost Girls

Written by Agustin Martínez, translated by Frank Wynne — This missing persons thriller, with its twists racing through the hairpin bends of the Pyrenees, is a debut novel by one of Spain’s most prolific crime screenwriters, and it shows. Its opening, when schoolgirls Lucia and Ana…
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The top eight Nordic noir novels of 2018

Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland. They were the domain of the Northmen, the dreaded pagan hordes that swept through Europe around the end of the first millennia with their crazy, one-eyed gods, war hammers and long blonde hair. A similar though altogether more pleasant…
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