

Written by Thomas Enger, translated by Kari Dickson — You may already have come across Norwegian author Thomas Enger’s Henning Juul series, about a tortured detective torn apart by the death of his son. With Inborn, the author shows us another dimension of his writing…
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The Stone Circle

Written by Elly Griffiths — Some crime novels take no prisoners and smack you between the eyes from the get-go, while others greet you warmly, slippers and a welcome glass of wine at the ready. Elly Griffiths’ Ruth Galloway series definitely falls into the latter…
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Hell Chose Me

Written by Angel Luis Colón — Just when avid crime fiction readers might be tiring of the low-life protagonists with unsavoury companions, seedy surroundings, and expletive-inducing situations, which so many crime writers have paraded before their readers of late, along comes a novel that upends…
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Red Snow

Written by Will Dean — Shortlisted for Not the Booker and recommended by the Zoe Ball Book Club, and not to mention a five-star review here on Crime Fiction Lover, Will Dean’s debut, Dark Pines, had everyone talking when it came out this time last…
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Face your Nemesis

On the Radar — Lots of themes and different styles this week, with a creepy occult thriller, The Murder House and a fish mystery set in Hull. But let’s kick things off with a throwback espionage novel that’s set just before World War II. The…
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Forger's Revenge

Written by Leah Devlin — Ella Winston is just out of prison, banged up for something she did… and also for something she didn’t do. The former art forger is on the straight and narrow now, but she’s also on the hunt for evidence that’ll…
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Interview: Will Dean

Originally from the East Midlands in the UK, Will Dean now lives in a wooden house he built in the middle of a Swedish forest. He uses the authenticity of this setting to write crime fiction novels that seem as true to the Nordic noir…
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Vicki Weisfeld: Top five books of 2018

December – that time for crime fiction lovers to look back at the mayhem of the past year and turn our heads forward, Janus-like, to gleefully anticipate the disorder of the coming year. In 2018, I reviewed 44 books here, across the wide crime fiction spectrum,…
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