
Erin Britton: Top five books of 2021

There’s nothing better than a nice cosy murder at Christmastime – or any time in fact – and 2021 has been an excellent year for crime fiction of the decidedly non-gory variety. If you’re looking for an intriguing puzzle mystery with which to while away…
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DeathBecomesHer: Top five books of 2021

It’s been a year with some stranger-than-fiction moments, hasn’t it? Just as well we crime readers have our imaginary worlds to fall back on — and thanks to the hard-working authors for supplying such a wealth of material! Looking back over 2021, I was struck…
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Fear No Evil by James Patterson

Fear No Evil is the 29th Dr Alex Cross mystery and as you’d expect from the thrill-meister James Patterson it’s a fast-paced, twisty adventure with a rip-roaring ending. Opening with torture and murder in the nooks and crannies of the Washington spy world, it leads to…
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