
Crime Fiction Lover turns 10!

Yes, it’s happy birthday to us. Our site launched 10 years ago on 3 August 2011, and what a ride it has been. We’ve reviewed over 2,400 crime novels and posted a total of 4,576 articles, including coverage of some of the greatest crime shows…
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On the Radar: Is that bones I hear?

As well as a brand new novel by well-known Scottish author Douglas Skelton, this week’s On the Radar column introduces four authors we’ve never covered before. Please welcome Chris Hauty, Camilla Bruce, Linda Mather and Austin Brooks to the site, and check out their new…
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On the Radar: A cut above

Summer is here in the Northern Hemisphere so maybe you’re looking for a thriller to read on your holidays, or perhaps just as you sit in the garden waiting for lockdown measures to be further stripped back? And those in the Southern Hemisphere might need…
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