
The Great Silence by Doug Johnstone

Ah, Edinburgh, a classically beautiful city which combines a love of the arts with some fine architecture. It’s also home to the Skelfs, possibly crime fiction’s only funeral directors-cum-private detectives. And also, it seems, Edinburgh is harbouring a wild beast… Welcome to Doug Johnstone’s decidedly…
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The Dead Beat by Doug Johnstone

With a story that features suicide, clinical depression and the struggling newspaper industry in Edinburgh, The Dead Beat might sound like a gloomy read. It’s certainly a hard-hitting psychological thriller, though its 90s grunge soundtrack and troubled, headstrong protagonist give the novel an angsty energy…
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The Jump by Doug Johnson

One day Ellie’s teenage son, Logan, committed suicide by stepping off the apex of the Forth Road Bridge and plunging to his death. Less than six seconds from stepping over the railing to smashing into water as hard as concrete. In the intervening six months Ellie…
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