Crime Fiction Lover

Look who’s writing for us VII

Happy Monday to all readers of Crime Fiction Lover. As a fresh springtime week grows from bud to blossom, today we’re welcoming two new writers to the team here on the site. And, as our stalwart hardboiled man RoughJustice puts it: we’re going global.

Based in Massachusetts, DispatchesFromNoir is a PhD student with an interest in Americal politics, but a true passion for – you guessed it – crime fiction. He’s a skilled reviewer and comments enthusiastically on books, films, TV and more via his blog. He recently got his hands on a stockpile of old pulp novels by the likes of John D MacDonald, Richard S Prather, Dorothy B Hughes which sounds like a lot of fun. However his first review for us will be the brand new Swedish noir release Easy Money by Jens Lapidus.

At the same time we welcome to our team MarinaSofia. She’s based in France and loves writing in a whole array of forms. Her own blog contains all kinds of poems, articles and reviews, and she’s also working on a crime fiction novel. Needless to say, she spends a lot of time reading in the genre. Her local library in France seems to have run out of English language crime titles for her to consume but we’ve started her off with Fatal Tango. Watch for the review here soon.

So, please join us in welcoming these new additions to the Crime Fiction Lover team.

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