
Be a character in DE Johnson’s next book!

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To celebrate the release of his latest novel, Motor City Shakedown, crime fiction writer DE Johnson is offering anyone who reviews the book the chance to become a character in his next novel, Detroit Breakdown.

In order to enter the draw, all you have to do is head to the author’s website and email him a link to a review of his book that you’ve written on Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes & Noble, or Google e-books. The only catch to the competition is that the review has to be a positive one – so if you’re not a fan it’s probably best not to enter. However there is also another competition on the site to win a signed copy of Motor City Shakedown.

However, those who are fans of DE Johnson include Publisher’s Weekly, The New York Times Book Review, and talk show host Jay Leno, whose video interview with the author on his earlier book, The Detroit Electric Scheme, you can watch below.

Motor City Shakedown has been picking up some excellent reviews, with Booklist describing it as a book for fans of the grittier side of crime fiction – think James Ellroy and George Pelecanos. “Violent, suspenseful, and complex,” says Booklist. We have a copy being reviewed at the moment, so watch for that on our site on 13 October. If you can’t wait, pre-order your copy from Amazon below.

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