
Outsider by Rob Sinclair

A Ryker Returns Thriller. As far as we are concerned Ryker can keep returning, as long as the thrills and spills match the excitement generated in Outsider, that is. This is an entertaining action thriller with plenty of fireworks, an enigmatic lone wolf hero with…
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Good Cop Bad Cop by Simon Kernick

Hero or villain? That’s the central question in Good Cop Bad Cop by the prolific British thriller author Simon Kernick. Is Met Detective Constable Chris Sketty an honest to goodness white knight, the hero of the Villa Amalfi siege, or a manipulative and calculating criminal…
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Brazilian Psycho by Joe Thomas

Brazilian Psycho completes Joe Thomas’s São Paulo quartet, bookending the first three mysteries in the series and unifying the piece. The story dives into the underbelly of the city that is the financial heart of Brazil’s economy. It’s a place where the business and political…
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Book Club

The Lost and the Damned

The first of Olivier Norek’s Banlieue trilogy is set in the notorious Seine-Sainte-Denis district, where Norek lives and where he has worked for the past 18 years as a police lieutenant. At the centre of The Lost and the Damned is Capitaine Victor Coste from…
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