
New $25,000 mystery book prize has announced a chance for new crime writers to get their foot on the publishing ladder – and it comes with $25,000 prize money. The search is on for the best ebook original mystery novel and in addition to the cash, the Mysterious Press Award promises worldwide publication. The…
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Evil Eye by Joyce Carol Oates

An acclaimed novelist, short story writer, poet, essayist, and literary critic, Joyce Carol Oates was once dubbed ‘the dark lady of American letters’. In her 50-year career, she’s often been drawn to violent characters and harrowing subjects. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?,…
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In Pursuit of Spenser

Edited by Otto Penzler – In Pursuit of Spenser will certainly shed some light on its titular iconic PI. But Otto Penzler’s edited collection of essays is even more informative about Spenser’s creator. And through Bob Parker (as contributors always refer to him), we learn…
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Give me that Geiger counter!

On the radar – This week’s report is the direct result of us putting a long arm deep into the CFL mail bag and pulling out some of the most interesting new arrivals for our reviews pile. There’s a critically acclaimed anthology edited by crime…
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Ugly Behavior

Written by Steve Rasnic Tem — Having been compared to great authors such as Franz Kafka, Ray Bradbury and Raymond Carver, Steve Rasnic Tem is a prize-winning writer mainly known for his short fiction. Working mostly in horror and dark fantasy, this is his first…
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CIS: The Great Detectives

Classics in September — The Great Detectives: The World’s Most Celebrated Sleuths Unmasked by Their Authors — Edited by Otto Penzler — “The Ubermensch, the superman, has almost vanished with the culture that extolled singular men performing singular deeds.” In 1977, Otto Penzler, the founder…
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