
The Godmother

Written by Hannelore Cayre, translated by Stephanie Smee — This fantastic novel, first published in France only two years ago, has already won the European Crime Fiction Prize and the Grand Prix de Literature Policiere. Isabelle Huppert will star in the film adaptation coming next…
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Written by Henry Porter — These are interesting times. Trump and Brexit dominate the headlines, and there are so many other bad things going on in the world. Crime fiction can provide wonderful escapist entertainment for those with news fatigue, but it can also illuminate important…
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In Strangers' Houses

Written by Elizabeth Mundy – Visible as an issue and yet invisible as individuals, Hungarian immigrants and best friends Lena Szarka and her friend Timea Dubay clean London’s houses in the daytime and its offices at night. Although the work offers them more upward mobility…
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The Greek Wall

Written by Nicolas Verdan, translated by W Donald Wilson — The refugee crisis has been front-and-center in the news media for so long it’s become easy to tune it out. But award-winning Swiss author Nicolas Verdan’s literary crime thriller takes a refreshingly different slant on…
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Dead in the Dark

Written by Stephen Booth — Detective Sergeant Diane Fry of the East Midlands Special Operations Unit is in the small Derbyshire town of Shirebrook investigating the murder of a Polish man, Krystian Zalewski. It appears Zalewski suffered a head wound before dying in his flat. But Shirebrook is…
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The Exiled

Written by Kati Hiekkapelto, translated by David Hackston — Each year, in June, the Tisza river comes into bloom. It sounds very nice and you can easily imagine red, yellow and blue flowers along its banks. But the bloom we’re talking about here is a different….
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Interview: Kati Hiekkapelto

Scandinavian crime fiction carries on booming, but the Finns are settled there just on the edge. As a people, lots of them don’t associate themselves with the rest of Scandinavia (though lots do). In terms of crime fiction, there haven’t really been any breakout superstars from…
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