
Interview: Tracy Buchanan

What’s a girl to do when she works in PR and journalism, but has a secret fascination with the darker side of human nature? Not that celebrity PR doesn’t get to some dark places now and again – but for Tracy Buchanan the answer has…
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Deadly Autumn Harvest by Tony Mott

Translated by Marina Sofia — Unlike Britain or America, some countries have little tradition of crime fiction writing. During the communist era, Romania produced spy novels targeting the West as the bad guys and you can see this approach lampooned in the frankly incredible Amazon…
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The Clearing by Simon Toyne

Fans of international bestseller Simon Toyne will know that he deals heavily in mood and atmosphere – the Sanctus and Solomon Creed trilogies confirmed that. Now he’s back with a follow-up to 2022’s Dark Objects, which introduced Dr Laughton Rees. The Clearing sees the return…
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The complete guide to the Ruth Galloway series

Forensic archeologist Dr Ruth Galloway and her onetime lover DCI Harry Nelson first appeared in print way back in 2009, and their on/off, will they/won’t they relationship has been tantalising readers ever since. However, alongside the domestic shenanigans are some mighty fine crime mysteries that…
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