
1000 free crime books at Bristol libraries

The UK government’s austerity measures have taken their toll on libraries, with closures and service cutbacks galore. However, CrimeFest, the convention held in Bristol starting 19 May, is doing something about it with a move to boost interest in local libraries. The organisers have teamed…
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New Talent November 2013 recap

So November draws to a close, and we hope you’ve enjoyed our fresh blood themed month as much as we have. It all began with a review of Becky Masterman’s crime debut, Rage Against the Dying, and we were also able to read and rate…
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Jockeying for a bestseller

On the Radar — If books were racehorses, who would you bet on? Today we bring you champion jockey AP McCoy’s crime writing debut, but it’s up against a whole stable of thoroughbreds. Patricia Cornwell, Michael Connolly, Graham Hurley and more. In fact, I don’t…
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