
Masons and murderers

On the Radar — This week we’ve got a masonic mystery from France, the latest Bryant & May novel, some tasty morsels of historical crime fiction and plenty more. Read on and enrich your reading pile with this week’s On the Radar column… Bryant & May –…
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World Gone By by Dennis Lehane

What an incredible career Dennis Lehane is having. Of his American contemporaries, perhaps only Michael Connelly has managed to sustain a similar degree of commercial and critical success in the crime genre. His early, gritty PI novels in the Kenzie and Gennaro series were followed…
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But... aren't you dead?

On the Radar — We’ll start this week with a book with lots of weird goings-on as Helen Goltz brings us a case of dead children apparently returning from the grave, along with comic book characters in a veritable costume mystery. Our new releases also include…
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Books of Prey

On the Radar — It’s a week for deadly killers, and intrepid detectives to hunt them down. Let’s start off with the latest Jefferson Winter novel by James Carol, entitled Prey. We’ve also got an action-packed debut set in London, some historical crime fiction and a novelisation…
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The Fourth Reich by Helen Goltz

The 70th anniversary of the liberation Auschwitz last week proved that the Holocaust is never far from our minds. Writers of fiction and non-fiction look for ways to understand what drove supposedly civilised people to commit genocide. Helen Goltz’s book is one that examines what…
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Dead men wear gingham, sometimes

On the Radar — It’s said that dead men don’t wear plaid, but according to American author Ed Lynskey gingham is an acceptable fabric for a murder victim. We like that. We like that very much indeed. So he can head up this week’s round-up…
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