
Reputation by Sarah Vaughan

Sarah Vaughan has been on the Crime Fiction Lover radar before, her intelligently written, precisely plotted thrillers making reviewers sit up and pay attention. Back in 2018 we took a look at Anatomy of a Scandal, part psychological thriller, part courtroom drama, with an MP…
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DeathBecomesHer: Top five books of 2021

It’s been a year with some stranger-than-fiction moments, hasn’t it? Just as well we crime readers have our imaginary worlds to fall back on — and thanks to the hard-working authors for supplying such a wealth of material! Looking back over 2021, I was struck…
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Want to write a crime novel? Learn from the best...

Award-winning English crime author Martin Edwards has come up with a criminally good idea that will appeal to serious writers who want to hone their skills. He’s partnered with editorial consultancy Fiction Feedback to offer a different kind of online crime-writing course, called Crafting Crime. …
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