
Interview: Jónína Leosdóttir

The indie publishing house Corylus Books specialises in discovering unique voices in crime fiction from various countries, then diligently translates the authors’ novels into English. Jónína Leosdóttir is the latest distinctive crime writer Corylus has found, and the third from Iceland, following Sólveig Pálsdóttir and…
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Seven Lies by Elizabeth Kay

Elizabeth Kay’s debut domestic noir novel is an immersive journey into a friendship of some 20 years’ duration. Jane and Marnie have been inseparable since age 11, through college, through their first London jobs, and while they could finish each other’s sentences, narrator Jane doesn’t…
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The Lying Room

Written by Nicci French — It was back in the 18th century when Sir Walter Scott penned the line, “Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” The sentiment is still pertinent today, and nowhere more so than in this…
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Top crime authors trying something new...

On the Radar — Maybe it’s the way the atmosphere is gradually heating up. Or it could be that sea change in politics everyone is talking about. Or it could be because Liverpool won the Champions League. Whatever the cause, a whole range of crime…
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The Way of All Flesh

Written by Ambrose Parry — Will Raven is a lowly medical clerk living in Edinburgh’s poor Old Town but if he can just get through the rest of the day he will have significantly better prospects. The year is 1847, and Will is due to…
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Interview: Laura Marshall

Laura Marshall worked in conference production for nearly 20 years before she finally took the plunge and decided to try her hand as a crime writer. A Curtis Brown Creative novel writing course followed, and then she wrote Friend Request. Here a debut novel, with…
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