
Consolation by Garry Disher

Crime fiction lovers of a certain vintage will recall the “Evenin’ all” of Dixon of Dock Green and the bordering-on-the-twee cosiness of Heartbeat. Both these British television series featured coppers with a keen local knowledge and a sometimes trying beat. Leaping across decades and continents,…
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On the Radar: From the highest office

‘Collaboration’ is a buzz word in technology and the creative industries at the moment, and it seems to be the in thing in crime fiction too. It’s something that has made crime author James Patterson one of the most popular authors in the English language….
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Interview: Garry Disher

The prolific Garry Disher is a huge name in his native Australia – he’s won the Ned Kelly Lifetime Achievement Award, and has had many fellow crime fiction writers citing him as a major influence. At last, the rest of the world is catching on too, and his…
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