Crime Fiction Lover

Win a signed copy of DE Meredith’s Devoured

Next month, DE Meredith’s second Victorian crime fiction novel The Devil’s Ribbon will be released. But it’s always good to read an author’s crime books in order, so we’re giving away two signed hardback copies of her first book, Devoured, in our first ever competition here on Crime Fiction Lover.

Devoured has been described as an 1850s version of CSI, and in it Prof Adolphus Hutton and his morgue aid Albert Roumande investigate the murder of Lady Bessingham and a series of young girls. It involves the emergence of science and forensics in police work, and the arrival of the theory of evolution which was earth shattering in its day and is still controversial.

Sounds fascinating so we’re going to have a little fun with this one and riff on that Victorian setting. To win, first you need to think up your own Victorian crime character – just a name and a short description of them. The competition will be run on Twitter, so if you haven’t got an account with the site click this link and sign up. (Don’t forget to follow @CriFiLover and @DE_Meredith!) Then type in the hashtag phrase #CFLxDEM followed by the name of your fictional figure and a line about them.

So, you might come up with something like:

#CFLxDEM Asquith Emery the hunchback who poisoned his wife using rare flowers discovered by his explorer uncle in Bolivia.

They can be a detective, a victim, a villain, or anyone else who might appear in crime story set in Victorian times. The two people who tweet the best characters, as judged by the author DE Meredith and the editors of Crime Fiction Lover, will be sent a beautiful signed copy of Devoured. This book is rather special as it has not been released in the UK. However it is also coming out next month on (and if you can’t wait to see if you’ve won, you can order it below.

We’ve tweeted a message about the character we made up (as an example, don’t worry we’re not entering our own competition!) and if you search Twitter for the hashtag phrase #CFLxDEM you’ll be able to see our tweet as well as any other entries Crime Fiction Lover fans have come up with. Feel free to let other people enjoy crime novels and Victorian stories know about our competition by posting a link to this page. Remember to include @CriFiLover and @DE_Meredith if you tweet about this competition so that your friends can follow us too if they want to.

Competition Details & Rules
1. The competition will be judged by the author DE Meredith and the editors of Crime Fiction Lover.
2. The judges’ decision will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
3. The names of the winners will be posted here at Crime Fiction Lover.
4. There is no cash alternative to the prize.
5. The competition closes at 12 midnight UK time on 25 September.

Good luck!

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