
Reconciliation for the Dead

Written by Paul E Hardisty —Decisions have consequences, so we must learn to live with them. Easier said than done when you’re a young soldier dropped into an absurd war based on lies that are revealed to you layer by abominable layer. A soldier’s survival…
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Book Club


If you are amused by cruel humour, then a word to the wise – don’t read this book on the bus or the train, as you will be reduced to fits of giggles. Main character Dyson Devereux is an acerbic and savage commentator on the…
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Necropolis by Guy Portman

Dyson Devereux is Head of Burials and Cemeteries for the local council of a fictional town in Essex, England. He has risen without trace, mainly due to the demise of his predecessor, whose funeral and cremation he helped organise. Dyson is immensely vain, impossibly handsome,…
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Book Club

Norwegian by Night

Another gloomy Scandinavian angst-fest? Well, hold on now… For starters, the author’s name – Derek B Miller – doesn’t seem very Nordic at all. Yes, the book is set in Oslo, but there is a major difference. For starters, the central character is an 82…
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Norwegian by Night by Derek B Miller

Nominated for the CWA John Creasey New Blood Dagger, this debut novel about an 82-year-old ex-marine from New York on the run with a six-year-old boy in Oslo has become a deserving international hit. There’s even a movie adaptation in the works. Miller’s book certainly…
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