
Trigger Mortis by Anthony Horowitz

Having interviewed Anthony Horowitz elsewhere and learned of his passion for the works of Ian Fleming – as well as glimpsing his collection of first editions – he seemed to me the perfect candidate to write an official James Bond continuation novel. In recent years…
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Hardcastle's Traitors by Graham Ison

It is London, on the last day of 1915, a year of almost continuous setbacks for the British Expeditionary Force. The old regular army has been decimated at Neuve Chapelle, Ypres, Aubers Ridge, Loos and finally, Gallipoli. Back at home, Divisional Detective Inspector Ernest Hardcastle…
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The Dead of Mametz

Written by Jonathan Hicks — July 1916, northern France. After 22 months of a war that was meant to be over before its first Christmas, British forces are poised to push the German invaders off the Somme ridges and drive them back whence they came….
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The Dark Hour

Written by Robin Burcell — Thinking of making inroads into the Christmas sherry? My advice is to put that bottle down, because you’ll need your wits about you if you’re going to make a start on The Dark Hour. For this is a densely plotted…
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Book Club

The Girl in Berlin

It’s summer 1951 and London is feeling the downbeat mood of austerity. Jack McGovern is a detective with Special Branch. High level British diplomats have defected to the Russians and he’s told to investigate Colin Harris, a British communist who has recently returned from East…
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