Book Club

Russian Roulette

Sara Sheridan’s ex-Secret Service backroom girl Mirabelle Bevan is on her sixth investigation in 1950s Brighton and goes undercover when her lover Superintendent Alan McGregor is taken off a gruesome murder case because the key suspect is an old school friend. Mirabelle steps in to find…
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Russian Roulette

Written by Sara Sheridan — When Sheridan’s first Mirabelle Bevan book, Brighton Belle, was published in 2012 I was quickly hooked by the story of an ex-Secret Service backroom girl, Mirabelle, who thinks her life is over after World War II. Like many women who are…
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The Corpse Role by Keith Nixon

The Corpse Role is the latest novel from our very own contributor Keith Nixon, as the author follows up his quirky Brit grit novel The Fix with his first police procedural. The central character is DI Charlotte Granger, a tough, no-nonsense Kent police officer who…
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Two writers better than one?

On the Radar — Today we start with two books written by top crime writing duos. First up Preston and Child are back with their 14th Pendergast FBI story, and then it’s Evanovich and Goldberg whose heroine Kate O’Hare also happens to be an agent….
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