
CIS: My classics by Rosie Claverton

The Cardiff-based novelist and screen writer Rosie Claverton is more than happy being a modern crime author. Her books include Code Runner, Binary Witness and Captcha Thief, and feature the high-tech detective Amy Lane. Right now, Rosie is working on the next in the series, Terror 404….
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1000 free crime books at Bristol libraries

The UK government’s austerity measures have taken their toll on libraries, with closures and service cutbacks galore. However, CrimeFest, the convention held in Bristol starting 19 May, is doing something about it with a move to boost interest in local libraries. The organisers have teamed…
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Reykjavik druglords

On the Radar — To continue reading this article, please type the two words shown, to prove you are human.     Seriously, we have all battled with these digital door-keys, and the latest book from Rosie Claverton uses the Captcha theme in its title….
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NTN: Code Runner by Rosie Claverton

Amy Lane is one of the more intriguing characters in British crime fiction. We are not entirely certain what she looks like, except that she is frequently greasy-haired, unwashed, dishevelled, and malnourished. She is also a chronic agoraphobe, and hardly ever leaves her house –…
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Low profile crime fiction

On the Radar — Some weeks our On the Radar column is packed with big-name authors. Today, however, we bring you eight books by writers who aren’t quite as widely known but who nevertheless deserve of your attention. From hackers and housebound detectives to boozy…
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