
David Prestidge: Top five books of 2015

December is here. What does that mean? Boughs of holly? Decked halls? Mistletoe? Yule logs and chocolate decorations? Enough Christmas carols to give you ringing in the ears? Or… is it the time of year when all the Crime Fiction Lover reviewers write posts about…
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A gazetteer of British crime: The West Midlands

If you’re a regular visitor to Crime Fiction Lover, perhaps you’ve been following our gazetteer series, where we focus on fine crime writers who’ve established themselves and written substantial works set in specific regions of the United Kingdom. In the past we’ve looked at Scotland,…
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Gunpowder, plots and new crime books

On the Radar — In England, there’s an old children’s chant promising gunpowder, treason and plot for 5 November. Book publishers seem to have taken this to heart and have scheduled a veritable truckload of new crime releases for that date – Guy Fawkes Day. Treason…
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