
On the Radar: Back to the former you

We’ve given this week’s new books column the title ‘back to the former you’ because it’s a theme that ties together all the novels included. For example, Kate Simants dug up her experiences as an investigative reporter in a children’s home for the basis of…
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Reporting from Hull Noir

There was no flicker of conflict during the first panel of the Hull Noir crime fiction festival, held 17-19 November. Entitled Sleeping with the Fishes: Hull vs Iceland, the discussion took its theme from the bitter Cod Wars that raged between Iceland and Britain for…
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Life and death in Hull

On the Radar — Nick Quantrill has established himself as one of the top voices in British crime fiction in recent years and we lead with his new release, once again set in Kingston upon Hull, in the southern reaches of good old Yorkshire. Other…
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NTN: Great reading with Caffeine Nights

This is an age dominated by technology, with Kindles, tablets and even smartphones able to serve up tasty crime books to readers on the move. Kent-based indy publisher Caffeine Nights is keen to be at the crest of the wave of new reading technologies. “This is an extremely…
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When the ink ran hot in Fleet Street

On the Radar — This week we have a wonderful reprint of a long-lost Golden Age novel, a visionary and deeply scary account of crime and corruption in the heartlands of Argentina, and much more! Hold onto what is left of the halcyon days of…
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