

Written by Snorri Kristjansson — So, what sort of crime fiction do you like? Nordic noir? Domestic noir? Historical? One of the good things about Kin is that it’s a murder mystery set among a Viking family the 10th century, and in addition it wraps…
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Historical Noir

Written by Barry Forshaw — The pocket essential guide to fiction, film and TV in the sub-genre of historical noir from one of the crime genre’s leading experts does exactly what it says on the tin. Despite this compendium being small enough to fit in your…
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War Games by Douglas Jackson

Glen Savage isn’t any ordinary man. For one, he’s a war hero. A veteran of the Falklands War, he’s trained in how to kill and how to survive. He’s come through some harrowing events that now haunt his civilian life. But he’s more than that,…
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