
Big Breath In by John Straley

A poet laureate of Alaska, John Straley is also a criminal defence investigator and a crime novelist. With Big Breath In, he leaves behind the quirky residents of Alaska and takes us south, past British Columbia, to Washington. It’s in Seattle that we meet Delphine,…
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On the Radar: Tricksy crime treats

Happy Halloween, and welcome to our final crime fiction news column for October. If you’re hankering for some slightly scary crime fiction in ghostly hour, see our Six criminally spooky cosy reads for Halloween. Meanwhile, in our news you’ll have a whale of a time…
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The best non-Nordic cold climate crime...

A challenging setting often makes for an interesting read, and Scandinavian authors in particular have become renowned for their ability to weave the freezing weather into their crime stories. From Jo Nesbo’s Blood on Snow right back to Miss Smilla’s Feeling for Snow, low temperatures…
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