
Bottoms up

On the Radar — Let’s start December with the clink of glasses, and we’ll lead our weekly news column with the latest pulp novel from Chris Rhatigan. It’s all about a character who likes the clink of glasses just a little too much. Plus, we…
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Tom Clancy's last farewell, and more...

On the Radar – Today we bring you an impressive mixture ranging from the primary colour pulp and slapstick shocks of All Due Respect, along with two journeys into worlds where magic and fantasy meet crime, the fifth in a popular procedural series, and the…
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All Due Respect

Edited by Chris Rhatigan –– All Due Respect is edited by Chris Rhatigan, who’s also had a hand in Pulp Ink and Pulp Ink 2, so it makes perfect sense that the stories in this particular collection have one thing in common: there’s no mystery….
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Pulp Ink 2

Edited by Nigel Bird and Chris Rhatigan – Pulp fiction (as a genre, not the movie) is intimately linked with the development of crime fiction, especially American crime fiction, over the past century. Dashiell Hammett, Horace McCoy, Raymond Chandler, Paul Cain and others pecked out…
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Pulp Ink 2

Back when we first launched Crime Fiction Lover almost a year ago, we weren’t so sure how short story compilations would go down with our readers. However we reviewed Pulp Ink, edited by Chris Rhatigan and Nigel Bird to test the waters. It was on…
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Pulp Ink

Edited by Nigel Bird and Chris Rhatigan — Pulp Ink is a collection of short stories with an interesting connection. Each writer was given a line from the movie Pulp Fiction, or the title of a song from the soundtrack. From there, the fertile mind of…
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