
A Devil Under the Skin, and more...

On the Radar — Anya Lipska’s series featuring a Polish detective in London receives its latest addition this week, and we’ve got a brick of a book by Greg Iles – both of which will be reviewed soon here on Crime Fiction Lover. People trafficking,…
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Death Can't Take a Joke

On the Radar — This week our new books column brings you novellas, short stories and novels from writers across the spectrum of crime fiction. We’ve got Anya Lipska’s second novel entitled Death Can’t Take a Joke, a new one from Laura Lippman and 12…
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Fifty Shades of... the CFL sex survey!

Unless you’re orbiting on one of Saturn’s outer rings, you’ve probably noticed the stir a certain book called Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James has created. It’s been described as pornographic, and sadistic, and I saw a story online about a man who sprayed…
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