
Fifty Shades of... the CFL sex survey!

Unless you’re orbiting on one of Saturn’s outer rings, you’ve probably noticed the stir a certain book called Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James has created. It’s been described as pornographic, and sadistic, and I saw a story online about a man who sprayed…
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Meet us at CrimeFest 2012

Have you put the dates 24-27 May into your diary yet? If you love crime fiction you should look into it because that’s when top crime fiction authors, aspring new writers and lovers of the genre like us will be converging on Bristol for the…
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Crime festival & compo: Bloody Scotland

If you’re 18 you’re old enough to drink whiskey here in the UK, and you also qualify to enter the Glengoyne Short Story Writing Competition which is being run in conjunction with a new crime fiction festival called Bloody Scotland. It will be Scotland’s first…
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Scene of the crime writing

As a reader, I’ve always been really interested in the ‘behind the scenes’ side of writing. I always wondered where the words which came to life from the page originated. During interviews for my Guilty Conscience site, I’ve always asked: writers the same two questions:…
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The top 10 fictional bitches

On Saturday 15 October 2016, the Killer Women Crime Writing Festival takes place in Shoreditch, London. It’s been set up by a group of women crime fiction writers and promises a full-day crime writing masterclass, and plenty more. To get all the crime fiction lovers…
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