
On the Radar: Jack is back

Although the sound of Santa’s sleigh is still well off in the distance, when November comes you can usually start to see how things will shape up in terms of the crime Christmas bookshelf. For example, Lee Child fans will be singing a jingle next…
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On the radar: Off the beaten path

It turns out the new normal is just like the old normal, only a bit more rubbish. That’s why we need crime fiction – it can take us well away from the normal. Take this week’s new books, for example. The normal settings of London…
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On the Radar: Hello Rebus, my old friend

Things are bad. But they’re not as bad as you think. Scotland’s premier crime fiction author, Ian Rankin, is still writing about his Edinburgh detective John Rebus and long may that continue. A Song for the Dark Times is our lead book this week and…
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