
Interview: Robert Goddard

Prolific bestselling author Robert Goddard was born in Hampshire, but he has set his crime novels across the UK and around the world. Time is no barrier either with a trilogy set in the immediate aftermath of World War I. to coincide with the centenary…
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On the Radar: They're here...

Yes, This is the Night They Come for You is here and it’s a good choice to lead off our weekly new books report. Robert Goddard’s new book is a mystery tinged by the dying age of empire – with the French getting the boot…
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On the Radar: The accidental detective

Trying something new. It’s probably going to one of the main themes when we emerge from lockdown. Build back better, the new normal, and all of that. This week we lead with a book by a well-established author who’s trying something different, with a main…
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Interview: David Laws

Writing punchy copy comes naturally to David Laws. He spent most of his life as a journalist writing for national and local newspapers, and has now reinvented himself and is using his skills in the crime fiction genre. His second novel, Exit Day, is set…
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