
First look: The Death Watcher by Chris Carter

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The Death Watcher by Chris Carter first look, red book cover

A few weeks back one of our readers asked us on Xwitter who we would recommend for serial killer thrillers. Everyone piled in and the name that consistently came up was Chris Carter. Bloody though they may be, his books are on the money, and that could be because the author has studied criminal behaviour and psychology, and used to work for the Michigan district attorney’s Criminal Psychology Team. He talked to serial killers for a living.

Now based in London, the American author writes gripping tales involving death and mutilation, devious murderers and a man who’s out to get them: Robert Hunter, of the LAPD.

Well, folks, the 13th Robert Hunter novel, Death Watcher, has arrived here at CFL HQ in a big red jacket and we just had to share it with you. It goes on sale 6 June and you can order in advance here. Look at that gruesome Rorschach pattern on the cover. What can you see?

The set up is intriguing, as always. When a hit-and-run victim is examined by the coroner, he realises that the man didn’t die because by collision with a vehicle. He’d been tortured to death before that. When Hunter and his partner Carlos Garcia start investigating, they realise a clever killer is hiding in plain sight in LA. Each murder has been disguised as an accident.

The trouble is, they can’t work out how the victims are chosen in order to unravel the serial killer’s MO and ultimately their psychology. What the two detectives do know is that they have to stop them.

Our last Chris Carter review was Written in Blood (not literally) in 2019, and we can’t wait to get into The Death Watcher. Check out the images of the book below and/or order your copy.

The Death Watcher by Chris Carter first look, red book cover
The Death Watcher by Chris Carter first look, red book cover
The Death Watcher by Chris Carter first look, red book cover
The Death Watcher by Chris Carter first look, red book cover
The Death Watcher by Chris Carter first look, red book cover

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