Of course we’ll call out cheating in crime novels whenever possible, such as when authors use the supernatural as a get-out at the end of a mystery. However, do feel free to call us hypocrites when we say we also love a crime story tinged with some Lovecraftian horror. That’s what we’ve got here with Cromwell Stone, the revival of a gorgeous French graphic novel coming out on 26 November from Titan Comics.
Jump right in and watch the trailer below, then scroll down further to enjoy some of the internal artwork.
This graphic novel tells the story of the eponymous Cromwell Stone, who sets about solving the mystery of some missing seamen. The were all on a voyage together some time back, but it was no ordinary journey. The men came into contact with some sort of cosmic key and it seems some alien demigod type creatures want it back. Cromwell was on that voyage, so he could be next on their list…
The wonderful etched-style artwork you see – reminiscent of French illustrator Gustav Doré – is the work of the German comic writer Andreas Martens, AKA Andreas. He created Cromwell Stone back in 1986, and his story was originally published in French.
He later added to the story with The Return of Cromwell Stone (1994) and The Testament of Cromwell Stone (2004), so perhaps we’ll see these appear in English soon as well. Titan Comics has reproduced the graphic novel in a beautiful hardcover. Pre-order your copy using the links below.

The first sentence of this article is rather odd, given that it is clear straight from the beginning that there is something supernatural in the story.
Right, and then the second sentence continues on to make the point.