It’s 1 December, and the bad news is that New Talent November 2015 has come to a close. The good news is that Christmas is only 24 days away and if you’ve carefully scribed your letter to Sanda then there’s bound to be plenty of crime fiction in your stocking, right? Crime fiction such as the wonderful top five debuts of 2015, perhaps, which our team chose especially for New Talent November.

Laurah McHugh is one of America’s top emerging crime authors.
We’ve done our best this month to cover new crime novelists, as well as those who self-publish or have been writing for indie publishers that don’t have the marketing might of the Random Houses and HarperCollinses of this world. The most popular articles we’ve run have included our look at the 12 debut novels that changed crime fiction, the seven rising stars of American crime, and the Ten to Taste article where we pointed you towards 10 self-published and indie gems. What was your favourite article during November, do let us know in the comments below?
Before we sign off with a listing covering the entire month’s content, we want to send out a big thank-you to the five independent publishers that sponsored New Talent November. Please do click these links and check out their wares:
Bloodhound Books
ThunderPoint Publishing
Britain’s Next Bestseller
Caffeine Nights Publishing
Fahrenheit Press
These companies are all doing fantastic work making sure that talented crime writers get a chance to reach a readership, and hone their skills.
Finally, here’s what we included during New Talent November in one handy list including links to every article:
Minute Zero, a debut by by Todd Moss reviewed
A Killing Winter, a debut by Tom Callaghan reviewed
Jukebox, the second novel by Saira Viola reviewed
Five great reads from Caffeine Nights Publishing
We interviewed self-published author HN Wake
Stasi Child, debut by David Young reviewed
In the Shadow of the Hill by Helen Forbes reviewed
Four Days by debut author Iain Ryan reviewed
Meet the seven new stars of American crime fiction
New historical crime writer Abir Mukherjee interviewed
Discover some indie and self-published reads in Ten to Taste part 1
Five great reads from Britain’s Next Bestseller
Dead White by Welsh author Gwen Parrott reviewed
Beautiful, a debut by Anita Waller reviewed
We interviewed the new French author Jérémie Guez
Cracked by debut author Barbra Leslie reviewed
Five great reads from Bloodhound Books
The Deceits of Borneo, self-published novel by HN Wake reviewed
Debut author LM Bush interviewed
Six women authors to watch in 2016
New author Tim Baker interviewed
The 12 debut novels that changed crime fiction
Indie Scottish author Helen Forbes interviewed
Five great reads from Fahrenheit Press
New Swedish crime writing team Erik Axl Sund interviewed
Bedlam by BA Morton reviewed
Discover 10 more indie and self-published crime reads
The Dark Inside by debut author Rod Reynolds reviewed
Penance, debut by Theresa Talbot reviewed
The five best debuts of 2015
What other website has published 30 articles supporting new crime authors this month? Hmmm? To see all the things we covered during New Talent November last year, click here.