
Top 10: Your favourite crime books

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It’s always interesting to see which books are doing well in the charts. Amazon has its charts and the publishing industry has regular sales updates. Here at Crime Fiction Lover we measure how popular books are by using our website traffic figures and looking at which reviews people are visiting. Yes, we are running a website here and we really are that geeky. But we thought you’d like to know which books rate highest on the interest scale with your fellow CFL visitors. Here’s the top 10 in reverse order:

10 Stolen Souls by Stuart Neville
Set in Northern Ireland, Stuart Neville’s tale takes place in a world where paramilitary gangs have given way to human and drug traffickers. A young woman fights to survive, but can she make it?

9 Death Comes to Pemberley by PD James
She is the godmother of popular British crime fiction and here PD James imagines a story that takes up where Pride and Prejudice leaves off. Naturally, it centres on a murder in strange circumstances.

8 Viva La Madness by JJ Connolly
The sequel to Layer Cake was a long time in the baking but JJ Connelly produced another batch of brilliant Brit Grit as London’s finest gangsters take on a Venzuelan cartel.

7 The Fall by Claire McGowan
This debut novel sees a young woman’s fiance accused of murder. As her world is torn apart we see diverse aspects of London society colliding.

6 Far South by David Enrique Spellman
Unusual in many respects, this book comes from Argentina and involves more than just the novel. You can watch videos and hear audio connected to the story on the book’s website.

5 Phantom by Jo Nesbo
The recently released seventh Harry Hole novel, this one is as bleak and action-packed as they come. Hole launches a one-man vendetta against the Oslo drug scene.

4 Abide With Me by Ian Ayris
The story of football obsessed John, growing up in London’s rough East End. A great debut novel.

3 The Retribution by Val McDermid
A top Scottish author on form with horrible villain Jacko Vance playing a key role in this one.

2 Dregs by Jørn Lier Horst
A surprise entry in second place with this moody Norwegian police procedural. Seeing as our readers enjoyed this review so much, it’s a pity that at the moment plans to translate Horst’s other books to English are on the backburner.

1 The Impossible Dead by Ian Rankin
We reviewed this the second it came out in October last year and it went down a treat. Malcolm Fox and Rankin par excellance.

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