
Kate Vane: Top five books of 2019

As a crime fiction fan, I’m contrary. I want authors to show an understanding and love of the genre, and then to transcend it. My favourite books from this year rise above the hordes of formulaic fiction, offering stylish and surprising takes on contemporary concerns….
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Book Club

Worst Case Scenario

Hilariously dark revenge thriller from Helen FitzGerald featuring Mary Shields, a Glasgow probation officer juggling a chaotic caseload and a murderous menopause. Mary has to supervise the release of a man who killed his wife and then found celebrity as a men’s rights activist. As she…
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Worst case or best case?

On the Radar — Isn’t it funny? We hate bad news, but as crime fiction lovers sometimes the worst case scenario proves to be the best. That’s why we’re looking forward to Helen FitzGerald’s latest, purely on the basis of the title. We’re pretty sure…
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The most wanted crime books of 2019

Maybe it’s a sign of the times, but we think history and throwbacks will dominate crime fiction in 2019. The world feels considerably more unstable with Donald Trump as president, a huge feud continuing in the UK over Brexit, strong-arm nationalist politicians popping up all…
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