
Taking Pity by David Mark

We’ve followed the careers of Hull author David Mark and his police detective Aector McAvoy since the writer’s debut novel back in 2012. Aector McAvoy’s journey began in The Dark Winter, where we met the detective sergeant and his son as they enjoyed a hot chocolate in a cafe…
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Book Club

Sorrow Bound

We interviewed former journalist David Mark after his previous novel Original Skin won universal praise in crime fiction circles. The intriguingly named lynchpins of that book, Aector McAvoy and Trish Pharoah are back. Their stamping grounds remain the unlovely Humberside port of Hull. In an…
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Sorrow Bound

Written by David Mark — There are books that make you want to race to the finish. And occasionally they leave you feeling a bit deflated and cheated, because that killer ending somehow falls flat. Sorrow Bound isn’t like that. Instead, I found myself slowing,…
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