
The Shrouded Path

Written by Sarah Ward — Immersive theatre is a thing these days. For the uninitiated, it’s where you arrive at a show and get drawn into the work hook, line and sinker. As soon as you step over the threshold you are a spectator no more….
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Whistle in the Dark

Written by Emma Healey — The second novel, much like a musician’s second album, can prove a troublesome beast. Especially if, like Emma Healey, your debut created such a stir. Elizabeth is Missing received a five-star review on this site and was chosen as a…
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The Corpse Bridge by Stephen Booth

The Corpse Bridge marks the 14th outing in this Derbyshire set police procedural series featuring detective duo Ben Cooper and Diane Fry. Despite my preference for the more gritty or psychologically dark purveyors of crime fiction, this is a series that has remained firmly on…
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