Book Club

I Let You Go

This excellent debut is not the work of a novice writer, but of an experienced and established journalist. A clever combination of police procedural and psychologocal thriller, it begins with a scene that will chill every parent’s soul to its core. One momentary lapse of…
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Book Club

The Killing Pool

The Killing Pool is set in the mean streets of Liverpool, and readers may well find themselves in something of a love/hate/love relationship with the main character, DCI Billy McCartney, as the action shifts back and forth through a variety of timelines. This is not…
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Book Club

The Killing Pool

“Welcome to The Killing Pool, a book that’s so dark you may well need a torch to read it.” That’s how DeathBecomesHer began her review of Kevin Sampson’s Liverpool-set novel. The Killing Pool is the first in a series featuring DCI Billy McCartney. We are introduced…
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